Our services

Fill out the form online yourself

Follow the link and fill out the form you need online yourself, then pay and fill it out with my tips that will be attached. Download to your phone or computer or send to yourself by email. Choose the shipping method yourself or we will do it for you. All data is protected with the latest advanced technologies.

Approximately 159$ + sales tax

Political asylum

You can choose to fill out the form and submit your application yourself, or you can choose to have us fill out your form. Additionally, you can choose to check the formation of your case in relation to a strong Immigration Court or USCIS

Preparing a request

We prepare a request in your country of birth to confirm eligibility for asylum and continue your case in the US Immigration Court.

Change of address

You can independently fill out and receive a notice of change of address electronically or submit a request to change your address to the Immigration Court in any US state and choose the method of filing it

Reviewing your completed forms and immigration case

We check for compliance with the instructions and standards of the Immigration Court and USCIS

99$ + sales tax

Russian Lawyer Services

We provide services for filing any claims, petitions, complaints, appeals on the territory of Russia to any judicial authorities, commercial and government authorities

Legalization in the USA

Assistance in obtaining SSN

Assistance in obtaining a driver license in Washington state

Assistance in obtaining a work permit (Form 765)

Assistance in obtaining EIN

Lawyer services in Russia

Проведение анализа вашего кейса на политическое убежище в США для проведения оценки какими доказательствами вы можете укрепить свое право на получение Политического Убежища.

Оформление запроса; обращения от вашего имени в любую коммерческую  и государственную организацию (суд/полиция/росгвардия/прокуратура)

Подготовка исковых (административных) заявлений по всей территории РФ (например для обжалования действий должностного лица или государственной организации в подтверждение выражения вашего политического мнения через несогласие с властями вашей страны рождения или по иным основаниям)

Обжалование решений суда вступивших и не вступивших в законную силу. Подготовка от вашего имени любого рода Апелляционных; Кассационных жалоб на всей территории РФ 

Защита бывших и действующих сотрудников различных государственных ведомств (Росгвардия, МВД) на стадиях: (подготовка объяснения по служебной проверке; защита прав при обжаловании служебных проверок в досудебном и судебном порядке; защита трудовых прав при отказе от выполнения приказа и т.д.)

Подготовка запроса в Образовательное учреждения для истребования различного рода документов (например аттестата или справок) а так же подготовка в соотвествии со стандартами данного учреждения запроса (Academic Records Request Form)для предоставления «Академической стенограммы» с целью проведения для проведения EVALUATION в WES (Word education service)

Обжалование и отмена вынесенных судебных приказов о взыскании денежных средств.

Change of address In any immigration court/USCIS

Immigration court

Online (you need to fill out an application to receive this service and we will send it to a specific court to change your address and resolve the issue of transferring the court if this is another jurisdiction) You will receive a copy of the application with the date of registration in court.
Fill out the form EOIR-33 yourself online. Pay for the service and go to the website page where you fill out and sign your request online. Choose the method of receiving — download or send to you by e-mail. It is also available to choose sending by our specialist in a way convenient for you to any state.
We complete Form EOIR-33 for any US Immigration Court and send it directly to the court (once signed) or to you via your preferred method (mail or email).


Written preparation of Form AR-11 to USCIS. We prepare the form for you and send it either to the relevant USEI office (after signing this request remotely) or to you in the way you choose and you send the request yourself
Fill out the form AR-11 yourself online. After paying for the service online, you fill out and sign the request on our website and choose the method of receiving the signed form by simply downloading it to your device or receiving it by email.

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